
The short videos below (scroll down) have been made by IMPACT: Ability. They are for individuals to learn about healthy relationships. Please share and discuss with the individuals you support.

IMPACT:Ability empowers people and organizations to prevent abuse. Adults use their safety skills to set clear boundaries with personal care assistants and enjoy living in their communities.

IMPACT:Ability is an evidence-based initiative that equips people and organizations through:

  • Safety and Self-Advocacy Classes. People with disabilities work with our highly trained coaches to learn how to defend themselves. They use their voice and bodies to establish safe boundaries, discourage potential threats, and defend themselves in a moment of danger. In addition, they learn how to report unsafe interactions to at least two trustworthy people. IMPACT:Ability also partners with EPIC to provide self-advocacy training which empowers people to find their voice and learn to lead independent lives.

  • Abuse Reporting and Response Classes. Our inclusive training team equips teachers, nonprofit staff, and state employees to identify potential abuse, effectively report suspected abuse to proper authorities, and provide caring support and referrals for abuse survivors.

  • Providing Private Lessons, Consent Training, and Organizational Consulting. We’re proud to partner with self-advocates, families, and organizations to prevent abuse and foster safe communities.